Thermal fluid is the lifeblood of a hot oil heat transfer system. It circulates energy around the process, bringing temperature control wherever it’s needed. Just like the oil in your car or even the blood in your own veins, sometimes maintenance needs to be done.
The best way to tell when it’s time to take action and perform maintenance is by regularly taking a hot oil sample and getting it tested. Regular sampling means you can catch fluid degradation in its earliest stages and avoid the much bigger problems that coking sludge, high/low boiler concentration, and other degradations can cause.
However, even if you’re taking samples regularly, taking the sample the right way is critical to actually understanding what is going on with your system’s thermal fluid – the fluid sample should always be taken from a section of the process with turbulent flow, should be isolated from the atmosphere during capture, and ideally captured at operating temperature. Unfortunately, a convenient high point vent or expansion tank is likely never going to give you the most accurate fluid sample.
Fortunately, there is a solution: The BOSS 1000 device is designed to be installed alongside your process and provide a safe, simple, and accurate way to get a hot oil sample with turbulent flow, at operating temp, and isolated from the atmosphere. It works by “stealing” a portion of the flow through a bypass loop before it is returned to your process, meaning once the connections are made, you can take the sample from a safe and convenient area. It is designed to protect you from high fluid temperatures while collecting an oil sample that is as accurate as possible.
This guide is intended to be an easy-to-follow companion to the Operation Manual. Read and obey all Safe Work Procedures and Safety Data Sheets for the fluid being captured. SAFETY RELIES ON YOU.
- Ensure you have the recommended Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including a face shield, safety glasses, fire-resistant clothing, high-temperature chemical-resistant gloves, and proper footwear.
- Gather all necessary tools, including a 7/8" wrench, 1 1/2" wrench, 2" crescent wrench, fluid sampling bottle, catch basin, spill kit, and fire extinguisher.
- Read and familiarize yourself with the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and the Safe Work Procedures for the BOSS 1000.
- Read the entire Operations Manual before proceeding.
- Only individuals who have been properly trained should operate the BOSS 1000.
- Ensure your workspace has proper ventilation and is free of unnecessary obstructions.

- Make sure that all valves on the BOSS 1000 are in the closed position.
- Refer to the connection diagrams for either a Parallel or Series Installation and locate the high and low-pressure connection ports on the Heat Transfer System.
- Using the INLET FLEX HOSE, connect the INLET PORT (C) to the high-pressure port on the Heat Transfer System.
- Using the OUTLET FLEX HOSE, connect the OUTLET PORT (A) to the low-pressure port on the Heat Transfer System.
Collecting the Sample:
Note: Check for leaks after each valve opening.
- Open the valve on the high-pressure port of the Heat Transfer System and check for leaks.
- Open the valve on the low-pressure port of the Heat Transfer System and check for leaks.
- Open the INLET VALVE (D) on the BOSS 1000 and check for leaks.
- Slowly open the OUTLET VALVE (C) while checking for leaks.
Caution: Opening the valve quickly may cause pump cavitation and system shutdown.
- Allow the thermal fluid to flow through the BOSS 1000 for 5-10 minutes. The temperature gauge should start to rise.
- After 5-10 minutes, close the OUTLET VALVE (B).
- Next, close the INLET VALVE (D).
- Finally, close both the high and low-pressure port valves on the Heat Transfer System.
- Allow the fluid sample to cool until the TEMPERATURE GAUGE reads less than 50°C or 140°F.
Note: Cooling may take several hours.
- Once the sample has cooled, place the fluid sample container into the SAMPLE COLLECTION CADDY (G) and position it under the SAMPLE COLLECTION PORT (F).
- Open the VENT VALVE (H) fully to prevent vapor lock and allow the fluid to flow freely.
- Open the DRAIN VALVE (E) to let the fluid flow into the sample container.
Caution: Exercise care as the fluid is still hot.
- Close the Drain Valve (E) once the fluid sample container is full. Avoid overfilling.
- Place a lid on the sample container and remove it from the base.
- Close all valves.
Post Sample Procedure:
Caution: The Outlet and Inlet Flex Hoses still contain hot, pressurized fluid.
- Make sure all valves on both the BOSS 1000 and the Heat Transfer System are closed.
- To drain the hot, pressurized fluid from the flex hoses, open both the INLET (D) and OUTLET (B) valves on the BOSS 1000, allowing the fluid to flow into a collection vessel.
- Position a Fluid Catch Basin near the lowest fitting in the connection (either the INLET port on the BOSS 1000 or the low-pressure port on the Heat Transfer System).
- Slowly open the low point fitting and loosen the flex hose over the Fluid Catch Basin.
Caution: Hot fluid will empty into the Catch Basin.
- Allow the fluid to drain from the flex hose into the basin.
- Detach the opposite end of the flex hose and connect it to the previously loosened end, forming a complete circle.
- Allow fluid to drain from the connection port into the catch basin, then re-install the plug.
- Move the catch basin to the second connection port and repeat the process for the other flex hose and connection port.
- Place a containment pan under the SAMPLE COLLECTION PORT (F), open the DRAIN VALVE (E) and VENT VALVE (H) to drain any remaining fluid from the device.
- Close all valves on the BOSS 1000 and store it safely for future use.
Prior to Each Use:
- Inspect the BOSS 1000 and flex hoses for damage. If damaged, do not use.
- Ensure the threads are clean and free of old pipe tape.
- Apply new pipe tape before each use.
- Ensure that all valves on the BOSS 1000 are in the closed position.
- Ensure there is no oil in the base of the BOSS 1000.
After Each Use:
- Inspect the BOSS 1000 and flex hoses for damage. If damaged, replace them.
- Clean old pipe tape from the threads.
- Ensure all fluid has been drained from the BOSS 1000.
- If the sample contained large amounts of sludge, flush the BOSS 1000 with flushing fluid to remove debris.
- Clean the BOSS 1000 and store it safely for future use.